The Museum is preparing to open its doors for the participants of “Museums. Parks. Manors” school tournament

The 12th season of the school tournament “Museums. Parks. Manors” has started in September. However, every site welcomes the participants only as soon as the quizzes are approved by the tournament’s organizing committee and all the handouts are printed and delivered. In accordance with this procedure, our Museum is scheduled to open for the tournament’s new season on Thursday the 26th of September.
We kindly ask you to read our visiting and conduct rules before registering for our quiz and visiting the Museum.
The age category of participants in our museum is restricted to 8-9 and 10-11 grades only! Visiting days for participants are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during our opening hours 12-00 to 19-00. Booking is required! This information will also be published on the “Museums. Parks. Manors” webpage dedicated to our Museum and on our own website. We recommend reading it before booking your visit.
The Tournament is held jointly by the city Departments of Education and Culture. All rules and requirements for participation are published on the event portal: