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Last month of the School tournament “Museums. Parks. Manors”

from 06-03-2025

Last month of the School tournament “Museums. Parks. Manors”
Dear participants of the School tournament “Museums. Parks. Manors”! We would like to remind you that you have only one month left to compete and solve the quiz at our museum. 
Since violations of the tournament’s schedule and rules have reached epidemic proportions in our museum, we have to remind all of our requirements:
- we only accept competitors and teams attending 8-11 school grades;
- visiting days for participants are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 12-00 to 19-00;
- prior booking is required.
All the information is published on the tournament’s homepage. Please kindly read it there on our page or our own homepage. 
We can not accept excuses like a teacher allowing to come without booking or it never being said that one needs to book by phone. Our tournament participants are adults able to read and conduct themselves. 

The School tournament “Museums. Parks. Manors” is held jointly by the city Departments of Education and Culture. All the rules and requirements for participation are set out on the tournament webpage

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New exhibit in the Museum

from 19-02-2025

Emperor Alexander II went down in history as a reformer. He began his reign with a wide range of reforms that gradually affected all spheres of public and economic life in Russia. These complex, sometimes radical, measures became known as the Great Reforms. They also affected all ethnic groups represented in the Russian Empire.
Already in his coronation manifesto on August 26,1856 Emperor Alexander II abolished the institution of cantonists: all Jews under the age of 20 were returned from military service to their parents. That move can be pinpointed as the beginning of military reforms that lasted almost until the end of 1874. Changes in the military department affected not only the functionality of the ministry apparatus but also the system of relationships between military personnel in the active army.
In 1866, a circular was issued prescribing the exemption of Jews from service on important Jewish holidays. The circular was supplied with a holiday calendar for the said year.

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